This is a website to help with inter-server recruitment in the game Hero Wars.
Work in progress - come help shake out bugs and add features on the Discord server
All content on this website is user-contributed, nothing is scraped from the game. As such, data on this website will not be entirely accurate. If you find anything that is completely wrong, please join our discord.
If your guild is listed on this site but you didn't create it, come into our discord and we can sort you out claiming ownership of a listing.
Content might be moderated if it is offensive or inappropriate - keep the server reviews constructive, they are to help people choose a new server, not to bash on a guild or person you don't like.
Privacy Policy
Your email address is only used for sending messages from this site, and won't be revealed to anyone. If you put a personal contact information in your guild listing it will be visible to the entire internet - so please don't do that.