Brief reviews of servers to help the process of finding a guild. To add a review, click here.

Reviews should be short and neutral, mentioning things like the activity levels and strength of a server without attacking any specific guilds or people. These reviews are meant to help people make an informed decision if they choose to move to a new server.

Server number Server Name Rating Review
360 Steel Wastelands 5 stars

Server 360 is still very new, with one whale who camps out on #1 in Grand Arena. Position #2 is highly competitive. In the Arena, no player is able to hold #1 for long.

356 Forgotten Roads 5 stars

New and very competitive server between the top 3 guilds in arenas. 

Top 2 guilds (1 english and 1 russian) battle for first place in gold rankings. 

Nobody holds the 1st place in arenas or grand arena consistently. Making it more fun and competitive for border frames.

Average hero team of whales is around 400-500k+ and Titans 250-400K+. 

355 Forgotten Roads 5 stars

Very competitive server between the top 3 guilds in arenas. Top 2 guilds (1 english and 1 russian) battle for first place in gold rankings. Nobody holds the 1st place in arenas consistently. Average hero team of whales is around 400-500k+ atm. Titans 250-400K. 

251 Sanctuary of Wisdom 4 stars

Fairly easy server with an easyish arena, favouring Undead teams and Dante tank teams.

208 Sweet Dreams 2 stars

Low population, low power server. Completely dominated by gold 1, a Japanese guild. None of the other guilds come close. The few active guilds on the server tend to have vacancies.

182 Forgotten Times 3 stars

The server is ok but dying. All active players are in top 5 guilds with already not enough strong and active players to form the 6th guild which is for more relaxed strong players (Skynet). There top 5 guilds are 3 international(English) (Athena, Unsung Heroes, Wolf Berserkers), Russian(Legion) and Chinese(Duke). Top 5 guilds get max guild rewards. The server is Dante server.

Nobody holds the 1st-3rd places in arenas or grand arena consistently. Making it more fun and competitive for border frames.

Average hero team of whales is around 3 teams of 1m+ and Titans 2 teams of 600K-700k+.  

Reviewed: 16/11/2024

180 Forgotten Continent 5 stars

Highly active in Gold with recently arrived 'invaders' finding tough competition waiting for them, not sure what Silver landscape looks like.   Highest Hero Power account is around 8M for comparison, and plenty of 1M meta squads in the top 20 of Arena.   A good server imo.

126 Lost in Darkness 4 stars

It's been forever since I've been there so this could be outdated, but when I was there this server was fairly easy to do well in, especially as an f2p. The arena was easy and most of the gold guilds were pretty accepting of players as long as they were active. However, if you are looking for a high CoW guild or something, this server probably won't work for you.

126 Lost in Darkness 3 stars

Low power, fairly high population active server. Easy arena, still dominated by Dante teams with f2p players regularly taking the arena top but not the guild war top.

119 Lair of Mages 4 stars

Very stable server with the whales spread fairly evenly between guilds, with the number 1 guild having more whales. Lower than average population, very strong at the top. Very little movement of players between guilds.
